Showing 1 - 25 of 41 Results
Narrative of the Canadian Red River Exploring Expedition of 1857, and of the Assinniboine an... by Hind, Henry Youle 1823-1908 ISBN: 9781372377204 List Price: $20.95
Narrative of the Canadian Red River Exploring Expedition of 1857, and of the Assinniboine an... by Hind, Henry Youle 1823-1908 ISBN: 9781372377242 List Price: $29.95
Exposition of the Principles and Methods Employed in the Fabrication of Certain United State... by Hind, Henry Youle 1823-1908 ISBN: 9781361139967 List Price: $10.95
Emigration, Land and Railway Frauds [Microform] : An Outcome of the Lambeth Conference of 18... by Hind, Henry Youle 1823-1908... ISBN: 9781361139806 List Price: $12.95
Essay on the Insects and Diseases Injurious to the Wheat Crops by Hind, Henry Youle 1823-1908 ISBN: 9781362356462 List Price: $23.95
Essay on the Insects and Diseases Injurious to the Wheat Crops by Hind, Henry Youle 1823-1908 ISBN: 9781362356455 List Price: $13.95
Explorations in the Interior of the Labrador Peninsula, the Country of the Montagnais and Na... by Hind, Henry Youle 1823-1908 ISBN: 9781362572299 List Price: $17.95
Explorations in the Interior of the Labrador Peninsula, the Country of the Montagnais and Na... by Hind, Henry Youle 1823-1908 ISBN: 9781362572305 List Price: $27.95
Narrative of the Canadian Red River Exploring Expedition of 1857, and of the Assinniboine an... by Hind, Henry Youle 1823-1908 ISBN: 9781371673147 List Price: $31.95
Narrative of the Canadian Red River Exploring Expedition of 1857, and of the Assinniboine an... by Hind, Henry Youle 1823-1908 ISBN: 9781371673116 List Price: $22.95
Essay on the Insects and Diseases Injurious to the Wheat Crops by Hind, Henry Youle 1823-1908 ISBN: 9781354454015 List Price: $22.95
Emigration, Land and Railway Frauds [Microform] : An Outcome of the Lambeth Conference of 18... by Hind, Henry Youle 1823-1908... ISBN: 9781360857466 List Price: $22.95
Exposition of the Principles and Methods Employed in the Fabrication of Certain United State... by Hind, Henry Youle 1823-1908 ISBN: 9781360857497 List Price: $21.95
Eighty Years' Progress of British North America : Showing the Wonderful Development of Its N... by Hind, Henry Youle 1823-1908 ISBN: 9781361998168 List Price: $35.95
Eighty Years' Progress of British North America : Showing the Wonderful Development of Its N... by Hind, Henry Youle 1823-1908 ISBN: 9781361998151 List Price: $27.95
Dominion of Canada; Containing a Historical Sketch of the Preliminaries and Organization of ... by Hind, Henry Youle 1823-1908 ISBN: 9781374604445 List Price: $35.95
Exposition of the Fisheries Commission Frauds, Showing How the Frauds Were Concealed by the ... by Hind, Henry Youle 1823-1908 ISBN: 9781014944832 List Price: $11.95
Report on the Exploration of the Country Between Lake Superior and the Red River Settlement ... by Gladman, George 1800-1863, ... ISBN: 9781014964526 List Price: $21.95
Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry; or, Elements of the Science of Agriculture by Hind, Henry Youle 1823-1908 ISBN: 9781015000377 List Price: $15.95
Manitoba and the North-West Frauds [microform] : Correspondence with the Department of Agric... by Hind, Henry Youle 1823-1908 ISBN: 9781015025998 List Price: $11.95
Comparative View of the Climate of Western Canada Considered in Relation to Its Influence up... by Hind, Henry Youle 1823-1908 ISBN: 9781015069527 List Price: $11.95
On Gold-Mining and Its Prospects in Nova Scotia [microform] : Embodying the Results of Geolo... by Hind, Henry Youle 1823-1908 ISBN: 9781015133525 List Price: $11.95
Explorations in the Interior of the Labrador Peninsula, the Country of the Montagnais and Na... by Hind, Henry Youle 1823-1908 ISBN: 9781017853131 List Price: $29.95
Explorations in the Interior of the Labrador Peninsula, the Country of the Montagnais and Na... by Hind, Henry Youle 1823-1908 ISBN: 9781017858327 List Price: $19.95
Two Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry [microform] by Hind, Henry Youle 1823-1908 ISBN: 9781015349759 List Price: $12.95
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